Restaurants are very much visible in the City of Oklahoma. People are willing to spend money on good restaurants for as long as they are satisfied in their dining experience. People also love to explore and try different dishes in every city they visit. Truly, restaurant owners have their good share of income because of their patrons.
The City of Oklahoma needs hood cleaning businesses because of that. If you are a restaurant owner in the place, you are mandated to comply with NFPA-96 Standard which is the regulating standard for the proper installation, cleaning, and maintenance of your kitchen exhaust system.
Why should you have your kitchen hoods cleaned?
- Clean kitchen hoods reduce the risk of fire hazard
Primarily, this can be the main reason behind the cleaning process. As stated earlier, grease accumulation can cause a restaurant fire. Grease can easily ignite in solid, liquid or vapor form. Having a regular clean-up of your kitchen exhaust system can help reduce the risk of a fire hazard.
- Clean kitchen hoods help in maintaining proper air flow inside the kitchen
Having an improved airflow inside the kitchen creates a cooler working environment for you and your kitchen staff. It helps in reducing odors and excess smoke caused by grease and oils. Excessive cooking can cause the high presence of carbon monoxide in your kitchen which can cause poisoning.
- Clean kitchen hoods extend the life of the kitchen exhaust fans
Regular inspection and cleaning of your kitchen exhaust system will make your exhaust fans last longer. It will also help the fans to maximize their performance in terms of exhausting odors and other smoke inside the kitchen.
- Clean kitchen hoods are in compliance with NFPA-96 Standard
Inspectors usually ask for certificates issued by professional cleaning experts as proof of your compliance with the existing standard. Failure to comply with the standard can be bad for your business standing.
- Clean kitchen hoods are also in compliance with state and local health codes and regulations
Aside from the fire safety standard stated in NFPA-96, you also have to comply with your local health codes and regulations. Clean air is important inside your whole kitchen for the benefit of your employees.
These are just some of the wonderful benefits of a clean kitchen exhaust system. A dirty exhaust hood is the enemy of profits for any commercial kitchen operator. Exhaust hood cleaning protects your investment in facilities and people. It is important to hire professionals when cleaning your exhaust systems to ensure proper and thorough cleaning of the whole kitchen exhaust systems. You cannot compromise the safety of your employees and customers to any subpar cleaning operators. They are the life of your food business after all. Their safety and dining comfort should be at the top of your priority list.
Who should clean your kitchen hoods?
Apparently, you can take part in cleaning your kitchen hoods, but only the outer and exterior parts only. The complicated task of cleaning the interior and the ductworks should be given to professionals. The standard requires that only properly qualified and trained persons can clean your kitchen hoods. It is for the safety of your investment in property and in people.